Spring-25 Semesterly closed - Emergency open! Download our NEW supplement!

Spring-25 Semesterly closed - Emergency open! Download our NEW supplement!

Grant Cycle Timeframes

Below are the listed application deadlines, timelines for eligible events, and other important deadlines for grant submissions. To stay up to date on all our deadlines, input the following grant cycles into your calendars: HUA Finance Grant Cycle Google Calendar Schedule.

What Grants are Offered?

The Harvard Undergraduate Association (HUA), per the Constitution, will offer semesterly grants that eligible student organizations as recognized by the Dean of Students Office (DSO) can apply for in the 2024-2025 school year. These grants will cover eligible event expenses and general expenses (any expense not related to an event) faced by a student organization per the 2024-2025 HUA Finance Guidelines. Therefore, no other types of “special event grants” will be offered. In addition, the HUA will offer emergency grants. Learn more from our guidelines. To see live comments of the Treasurers, we recommend opening the guidelines on Google Docs.

Additionally, the HUA will offer emergency grants for the next school year. Read the finance guidelines to learn more. Use these buttons to stay up to date:

Quick Links


  • The HUA Finance Team highly recommends student organizations to apply for Semesterly grant funding as that is where the vast majority of the budget for grant funding is dedicated. Emergency grant funding is only reserved for emergency, unforeseen expenses, and provisionally approved student organizations, which reflects a much smaller budget in comparison to Semesterly grant funding. It also reflects a much smaller budget compared to the pre-existing Monthly grant funding. Do not rely on Emergency funds even if you used to make a lot of use of the Monthly grant cycles.

    Please note: We acknowledge that student organizations need time to prepare for these changes. With this in mind, emergency grant applications for Fall 2024 will be evaluated in a more lenient manner, with the full policy changes being enforced in Spring 2025 to give clubs some flexibility to adapt to policy changes. 

  • This supplement ensures that we can accurately and quickly assess whether or not expenses for particular events fall within our guidelines. It also ensures that interviews run more quickly, easing the burden on student organizations and the Finance Team alike.

    It also provides the opportunity for more transparency in why particular funding line items may be cut per our guidelines (as you will receive a modified version of your supplement following the final determination on your funding application, detailing expenses that were either cut or even sometimes raised).

  • Any expenses that do not fall within our Finance Guidelines.

  • This helps the Finance Team assess where outside funding should be applied to.

    We will always apply outside funding to the full amount of ineligible expenses before applying it to eligible expenses. This benefits student organizations!

  • Not necessarily.

    There is an expectation that clubs spend at least 50% of their outside funding during each grant cycle unless there is a reasonable explanation (e.g. saving for an end-of-the-year formal).

    Outside funding will always be applied to ineligible expenses before eligible expenses.

  • Yes! But...

    The HUA restricts student organizations from applying for Semesterly and Emergency grant funding simultaneously.

    For example, you cannot submit a Fall 2024 Semesterly grant application and an emergency grant application within a month of the deadline for the Semesterly grant application.

  • The 2024-25 finance guidelines that you can find on this page includes all necessary information for club funding.

  • This can have several reasons: your club might have submitted receipts late for the last grant cycle or not at all, you club might have forgotten to return ineligible funding to the HUA, or your club might have submitted inappropriate receipts, in which case you have to return the money. In very few instances, our systems can have a flaw. So, if you checked all the points above, feel free to contact the Co-Treasurers for help.

    Address the HUA finance guidelines for more information.